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dead dog

dead dog

ludwig von t-bone: the final portrait 

returned on the eurostar from a week skiing in the french alps, with some discomfort due to my broken knee
but happy to receive some VIP wheelchair, queue-jump treatment.

just got in at home, in good spirits, thinking when we should go and collect ludwig from lucy and david's (who had been dog sitting: the worst dog sitting experience ever) because he'd been in and out of the vets all week with an unexplained stomach bug(?) when we got a distraught call saying that ludwig had just died at the vets.

he was 6yrs old, so it is quite shocking.
i often used to complain about him as he was so daft (he used to love to lick the floor and chase low flying birds' shadows in the garden) but he was a very loving, loyal, sweet animal, friend and family member.

not only sad that we won't have him around but also sad that we weren't with him when he was distressed and as he died.

i miss him more than i thought i would.
he was good dog.
and this is a sad time for us here
the perou-zoo has lost another of it's most loved members.

mr.bunny being the last inhabitant of the perou-zoo also seems to be missing ludwig more than he imagined he might.

returned with ludwig's body wrapped in this sweet, old blanket we found him in at the vets 

i don't care to remember ludwig like this
but i imagine him running with stratford, in the sun, in the spray of the sea down by reculver beach.
thanks for all the well wishes this week for my broken knee and for our dead dog.

life continues...love to all x