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GO for manson

GO for manson

on the third day of manson, my true love gave to me...

started in the cosy studio east of highland and south of sunset 

didn't want to prematurely trouble manson so when he texted to say 'what's the plan?', i casually dropped in that we MIGHT shoot some video after the stills

i neglected to mention the small film crew and rather large prop we'd have there ready to catch some performance a day ahead of schedule

'it'll be a nice surprise'

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shot outside the studio in this street

manson killed some stills, killed some live performance video (with bill on camera) and killed some more stills after

when everything that could be killed was killed

the killing stopped

it will resume tomorrow night

three days of unique iconic photos and a stomping video to come: GET IN!

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LA back alley

LA back alley